WTCA Pages

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Buderim Ginger Review

My mother-in-law was on holiday in Australia and brought back some ginger goodies.  I am not sure if you can find this anywhere else but she loved it.  I look a look in the video below, would love to hear what you think!

Monday, September 23, 2019

A Different Type of Swedish Fish!

I was in the US for a quick shopping trip and came across this variant of Swedish Fish.  It is tropical flavor, somewhat of a different twist on the usual kind.  Take a look at the video, see what you think!

Here is the original review if you want to compare!

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Everyone loves Peeps!

It has been a while since I posted but I was thinking about the channel and all the sugary goodness the other day as I toasted marshmallows by a camp fire.  Watching the gooey goodness melt I wondered what the effect would be if we did that with peeps... Not something I have tried but a future video perhaps?  Let me know what you think of the idea in the comments and in the meantime enjoy one of my Peep reviews as you ponder... 

Have a sweet day!