Showing posts with label Godiva. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Godiva. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Big Bar Line Up - Wrapped

In case you missed it over the past month or so I posted an extensive look at some of the 'Big bar' chocolates available while walking the Candy Aisle here in Canada. I know it was more of a survey series but I liked all the pretty pictures and even just taking a closer look at them gave me a better understanding of what the various players are trying to achieve.

Does this mean I'll be eating more big bars down the line? I hope so. There are some really great offerings out there, especially from companies like Lindt and Ritter Sport. And hopefully that will translate here to the blog as well, in added reviews on some of the more interesting stuff.

For those who would like to check out the series of posts here they are in one handy dandy list:

Cadbury Dairy Milk



Ritter Sport

Dove and Godiva


It seems like such a short list of posts but believe me it took a very long time to compile these lists with all the pictures involved.

I hope you do take the opportunity to go back and check out any of the posts you may have missed. They're fun looks at whats on the shelves right now. There's some great, and some definitely no so great looking stuff out there. Thanks for reading all :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Big Bar Line Up - Dove and Godiva

Today we're back with the Big Bars, and we're starting to run through them now. I think probably one more post'll do it. For now though we're looking at the small entry into the big bar market by Godiva and Dove.

Starting with Dove, I should say I have a weird thing about them. I think the only time I've ever eaten a dove bar was for a review here on the site. No you didn't miss it. Although I shot the review it is one of the handful of 'lost' Candy Aisle episodes. And since I never got to officially review it, I feel kind of mixed about it. Maybe these big bars are the way to go though. Lets have a look at their offerings.

Yup. That's nothing to write home about. I mean I'm sure its all fine, but they could add some variety to the mix couldn't they? Are these the bars that will sell the most? Seems like these are the most generic ideas they could find. Maybe I'm cynical though.... I guess I just don't see why someone is buying this over a Lindt or something else right beside it.

At least Godiva has a very specific type of chocolate eater in mind. They are playing directly into the dark chocolate and gourmet chocolate connoisseur world. Something I admittedly know very little about... (I'm an everyman here people). Anyhow, lets have a look at what they've got.

One Milk variety, and then its right into the Dark.

Frankly I'm a little surprised that they don't have anything higher than 85%. Those are already serious bars and I certainly don't think I could handle anyting stronger... but those dark chocolate aficionados can be very demanding.  This is at least in part probably a good alternative to the Lindt offerings though.

Anyhow, next time we'll pick up the remainder big bars for a final post on this topic. Until then I'll see you in the aisle.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Godiva Gold Ballotin review

Here we go again with another interesting review for you. Today we've got a look at Godiva's most popular offering the Gold Ballotin box.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates the Gold Ballotin - 4 / 5

For more on all things Godiva please visit them on the web at