Showing posts with label Just Born. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Just Born. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Almost Perfect Candy

I was out in Whitby, Ontario last week and my brother in law clued me into the Almost Perfect store.

This is the kind of store a lot of you may have seen if you live in or near an urban center. This is essentially an irregular food store. It's full of food that's been rejected, not over any health concerns but most likely because the food was discontinued, or possibly seasonal and the major retailers don't want it on the shelves anymore.

You can also find some of these items if you are the kind of person who goes on factory tours. I remember when I was a kid going with my parents to both the Ben & Jerry's factory in Vermont (or maybe it was headquarters), and most significantly when I went to Hershey Pennsylvania. These factory tours of course ended at the gift shop, and both of these companies offered "irregular" food products there. As a kid this just fascinated me to no end. The products may be slightly off, but they're crazy cheap and just awesome.

Almost Perfect seems to offer more of the straightforward food items focusing on seasonal stuff, maybe with misprinted packaging, or remainders of limited editions. They specifically have a pretty decent candy section too, which was of course my main reason for wanting to go.

Some of the items like this entire stand of Allan candy was a bit weird. I'm not sure why any of it wouldn't be on the market. These are the guys who make "Big Foot" and I'm sure I'll get to their products sooner or later in reviews. These are weird flavors, so maybe they were just limited time or discontinued. Hard to tell since I'm not that familiar with their product lineup.

More likely is seeing something like this Imported Continental European Dark Chocolate. Seems fine and all, but nothing I would imagine anyone would buy, especially if its not an in house brand or some kind of off-shoot loss leader to get people into the store. Without a good brand name behind it why on earth is anyone buying it? My guess is they are not. And that's why it's at Almost Perfect.

Here is a very interesting one, and something I wish I could've reviewed. But I wouldn't feel right reviewing something from Almost Perfect when I really don't know why its there. Most likely this unique variation on the classic Hershey bar didn't sell and was discontinued, but I don't know.... maybe it was awful, or maybe its still in development. Whenever the reason its not sticking around I don't think Hershey wants it representing them.

Do you suppose these Reese Eggs were sitting around in a warehouse since Easter? My guess is yes. The sure tasted great though, I bought a bunch of these!

Here are some great looking Red White and Blue M&Ms. I suppose these are from this past 4th of July. We'll see if they turn up again next year.

I love the idea of Fierce Cinnamon Hot Tamales. Do you think maybe they were too fierce for the public? Are these still available in real life?

Here's another one that I'm not sure of. Don't these exist on the market now? Why is this one here? Could it be because it has the "New" label on it?

Finally a simple question. Whats wrong with all these Jolly Ranchers???

This is totally a store that's good and bad at the same time. I mean how cool is it going to a store to get something no one else has? BUT then the truth sinks in, maybe other people don't want this stuff. for a reason...

I'll have to keep my eye out for more 'irregular' candy, or off the beaten path kind of stuff. Let me know in the comments if you've ever been to a store like this and what your impression has been.

Thanks for joining me, later all.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Peeps Marshmallow Pumpkins review

Its finally here! Happy Halloween everyone. Today I've got one more special Halloween review for you, its time to look at the oh so spooky Peeps Marshmallow Pumpkins.

There's something almost otherworldly ab out Peeps isn't there? I mean people seem to certainly regard them in high esteem. I for one have never fallen prey to the cult of Peeps. No its not because I hate them, I just don't get why people get so worked up over a few sugared marshmallow ducks. I'm looking forward to trying out these Pumpkins though. I can't remember the last time I actually had a Peep, so this should be exciting.

First off, Peeps all have some pretty nice design and packaging work. They're wholly original in presentation. From the font of the logo to packaging in the open, letting the candy talk for itself under clear cellophane. Its minimal and ingenious. I mean, look at how much you're getting for your money here! that's a lot of jack-o-lanterns smiling back at me.

The back of the box is pretty simple too. I like the note that they are "always in season" since its certainly true. Nowadays you can get peeps for almost any reason. They may not be on the shelf all year exactly, but anytime there is a candy holiday on the rise you'll find them in the Candy Aisle. Is that comforting to you? I'm not sure.... I guess if you're one of those die hard fans then it probably is.

Getting the actual Peep out requires a little ripping and minor disfigurements, but its all worth it. This is a squishy marshmallow candy coated generously in sugar. The sugar is very... granular, and a residue will come off on your fingers, but thats also just the nature of Peeps.
I'm on the record now with my complaints against candy marshmallow, and I usually stand by that claim. However Peeps may be the exception to the rule that marshmallow needs to be paired with a stronger flavor like caramel. Here its paired with simple sugar, and for the most part works very well.

There's something very viscerally satisfying about manhandling a Peep. They crush, crack, and tear so easily. Despite how adorable the face here, how kind of un-pumpkiny it actually looks (is this the Easter rabbit face design re-purposed into a pumpkin?) There's something very pleasing about pulling the cute smiling face apart. This is a happy pumpkin, and destroying it makes me happy too. Is tat weird?

And when you get down to actually eating the Peeps, you'll find its really pretty decent. The marshmallow isn't terrible quality, and the texture of the sugar adds a lot to the smooth, slightly melty mallow. This is a candy that lives, and is loved for a lot of reasons other than how it tastes, but for all that grandstanding, its really not all that bad. In fact its far better than it needs to be considering all the other stuff its got going for it.

I do like Peeps, and I do recommend the Marshmallow Pumpkins. I'm not quite ready to sign up for cult membership, but this is definitely worth your time.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates Peeps Marshmallow Pumpkins - 4 / 5

Peeps are a Just Born product, these are the same guys behind Mike & Ikes and have possibly the best company tagline ever, "A great candy isn't made... it's Just Born.". You can find them online at

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mike & Ike Original Fruits - video review

Its review time again. Today I've got a classic for you, its Mike & Ike original fruits.

Definitely worth checking out! For more, feel free to check out the written review, or all of the reviews here on the Reviews Page.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mike & Ike Original Fruits review

Time for another review my lovelies, and today we're looking at Mike & Ike Original Fruits

Personal history be known, while I never had anything against Mike and Ike original per say, I almost never got it. Unless it ended up in my bag at Halloween I just avoided it. Any why you may ask? well, I blame it all on Hot Tamales. The Just Born candy company only makes a few candies and most of them follow the same basic format as Mike & Ike original here. Hot Tamales are like this, but all cinnamon, and all amazing. So for me these original flavor candies never really came into play.

Looking at them though I really don't have anything against them. I like the packaging. Its green with the candy popping out. I like the colors, and the logo design. And on the back there is even a little quote of the Just Born company slogan, which I love: "A Great candy isn't made... It's Just Born" totally adorable.
I don't normally alk about price, but I have to here, this box of candy cost only 25 cents. And I have to give the Just Born team serious props for that. Think about what candy ou can get for a quarter, and you'r basically relegated to the lower tier candy machines... this is a solid move and they should be applauded for it. Sure its not a big box, but it's big enough to give me that satisfying candy box rattle, and I know I'm getting something cleanly packaged rather than ... who knows what, I might get from a candy machine.

The candy comes in 5 flavors: from left to right below: Orange, Strawberry, Lime, Lemon, and Cherry. You can always tell a candy that has been around the block if they've got a cherry in their lineup and don't apologize for it. That's just old school.

Biting into the candy is good as well, the flavor is strong but not overpowering or too mild, its not jelly belly strong, but definitely strong enough. And there's a... comforting element to the flavors, these all feel like classics. The texture is just ok. its got a lot of gumminess to it, and a lot of chewiness.You're going to find this candy getting stuck in your teeth a bit. There's an ever so slight satisfying pull to the candy that never strays into gummy worm territory. But with that the flavors are very strong.  especially think the lime and lemon flavors are great. Despite the unnerving fact that these candies look like weird psychedelic pills that really manage to taste pretty good.

It's not something I think I'd seek out, but I'm glad I had them again.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates Mike & Ike Original Fruits - 4 / 5

Mike & Ike is a product of the Just Born company, find out more about them at