Showing posts with label can-dy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label can-dy. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

M&M's Honey Nut review

M&Ms was trying out some different flavors and I was lucky to come across M&M's Honey Nut.  It is a bit of a different take on M&M's Peanut flavor.  It may be hard to find as it was a part of a contest and didn't win so I don't think it is available anymore but check out the video and see what you think!

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Friday, April 15, 2016

Garbage Can-dy review

Did you eat garbage as a child?  If so you might remember this treat from years past…  Believe it or not it is still around, strong staying power considering it has been around since 1976!
Check out the review below and see what you think.

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