Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reese's Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cup road review

A real treat for today's road review, the very awesome Reese's Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cup.

Pretty great stuff here!

Walking the Candy Aisle rates Reese's Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cup - 5 / 5

For more goodness from Reese's, which we all remember is an imprint of Hershey please check out http://www.hersheys.com/reeses.aspx

Friday, September 21, 2012

Atomic Fireball road review

Another road review for you today. Please enjoy this look at the classic Atomic Fireball.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates the Atomic Fireball - 4 / 5

If you want to know more about these spicy little numbers, you can check them out online at http://www.ferrarapan.com/

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Claeys Cinnamon Hard Candy road review

Another road review for you today, lets have a look at Claeys Cinnamon Hard Candy.

Just fantastic. Get these if you can.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates Claeys Cinnamon Hard Candy - 5 / 5

For more on Claeys you can check out their website at - http://www.claeyscandy.com

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hoppin Nerds Pink Rainbow road review

Another road review for you today. Its time to check out Hoppin Nerds Pink Rainbow.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates Hoppin Nerds Pink Rainbow - 5 / 5

Nerds are of course a Wonka product, which is an imprint of Nestlé. Find out more at


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cherry Sours road review

A review for you from the road! Its time to check out the Dixon Fruit Market Cherry Sours.

Walking the Candy Aisle Rates Dixon Fruit Market Cherry Sours - 4 / 5

If you're interested you can head over to http://dixonfruit.com/ but they only have chocolate cherry sours for order online. Or you can just read more about cherry sours .

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Big Move

So a little bit of housekeeping for you today instead of a review.

Don't worry more are coming and soon. But today I wanted to talk to you on a bit more of a meta level. Its all good though.

Walking the Candy Aisle is more or less run by me, Geoff, and news that affects me affects the blog. Well, my family and I have decided to move from San Francisco back to our hometown of Toronto, Canada.

There are lots of reason why we're going and it definitely wasn't an easy decision, but the most important reason is that we wanted our kids to grow up closer to their extended family.

I love San Francisco and always will, being here has always meant so much to me, but its time to move on.

I'm not intending this to have too big of an impact on the Candy Aisle blog, but I thought I should let everyone know why all of a sudden I'm talking about Aero, Coffee Crisp and Crunchie bars so much.

I'm changing the format for the next few weeks as well. Starting on Tuesday you'll be getting quick video reviews from mme on the road. No written content, but expect 2 videos a week both here, and on the YouTube channel. And if you're not on that, please go subscribe now.

Thanks for the support all, I'll see you on the other side of the Great White North.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Screme Eggs!

Did I miss this last year, or is this actually new?! Because I LOVE the Cadbury Screme Eggs. What an awesome idea!

I am definitely going to have to get one of these for review here on Walking the Candy Aisle. Everything about it is awesome looking! Green center, "Screme", the soft fondant center, and same great taste, I even love the bunny rabbit in the witches hat.

Pre-review spoiler: I am going to give this a great score :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Something Wicked this Way Comes...

Now that the Halloween season has officially begun we've got a few new treats to check out. These Disney bags really jump out. Who doesn't love the witch... Scary stuff!

I love how they've tried t match the flavor to the witch. Very cool stuff. And the design work is impeccable. I didn't check out exactly who made these candies, but I am impressed. If only I was a bigger Saltwater Taffy and Candy Corn fan.

My favorite Disney witch is probably the Evil Queen from Sleeping Beauty, but I have a soft spot for all of them. I wonder why Disney has never really worked to market these witches. There is such a huge market for the isney Princesses, you'd think there at least could be a bit of reactionary counter-programming interest in these evil ladies. Other than Maleficent I'm not sure these witches are really that well known.

Anyhow, I'm a fan of these candies. We'll see if I get a chance to try them. If I do get one, it would have to be the Fiery Cinnamon flavor. More Halloween newness coming soon.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cozy Treats

Alongside the Halloween stuff I saw these new Russel Stover treats that just scream Fall to me. Check these out!

Now I don't know if I've said it on the blog before but I really am a a fan of S'mores,  Maybe not quite as much as some peple I know but I'll definitely have one around a campfire if offered,. As for Pecan Delight... well it sure sounds delightful. I like pecans and really like caramel so this chould be a treat I would enjoy very much.

Don't these snacks just make you want to curl up beside a fire? Maybe with a nice mug of cocoa while the first snow comes down. A brisk and cool Autumn evening where you've decided better than to go out. This is exactly the treat I want in my hand when that happens.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Halloween Time!

Happy Labor Day all! So I was working in the lab late one night, and I stumbled upon the most awesome remodel ever. By lab I mean candy aisle obviously... Now this isn't up at my local candy aisle yet, but it certainly was at the bigger badder Walgreens down the street. Get ready everyone, its Halloween time!!!

This is a wonderful time of year. Its fun, got costumes, and everyone has a good time. Also there's a ton of candy! I'll be excited to start bringing you some of this candy for review really soon here on Walking the Candy Aisle. Keep your eyes peeled :)

In the meantime let me know whats your favorite Halloween candy?