Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012 wrap

Well I certainly hope everyone had a great Christmas and is looking forward to another awesome year. I'm excited about 2013, there's always a good feeling with the turn of the calendar, its just refreshing :)

Anyhow, I wanted to drop a quick post today for any of you who may have missed the various Christmas candy reviews here on Walking the Candy Aisle. Please remember you can always subscribe to the YouTube channel and then you won't miss a thing. Here's what we covered.

Hershey's Kisses Candy Cane - written / video
Turtles - written / video
Lindt Milk Chocolate Santa - written / video
Baileys Chocolates - written / video
Russell Stover Caramel Santa - written / video
Terry's Milk Chocolate Orange - written / video
Milk Chocolate Lollipop Santa - written / video
Lindt Lindor Peppermint
Palmer Caramel Claus
M&M's White Chocolate Peppermint
Cadbury Choco Men
Toblerone Snow-Capped Limited Edition

Well it looks like we made it through 12 reviews this year. Pretty good. That's one for each day of Christmas. Hopefully you'll stick around for next year and we can look at even more holiday goodies.... although I suppose we've got Valentines and Easter next. Just stay tuned, and I promise you'll get even more awesomeness in 2013.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Xmas remainder

Walking the candy aisle a day or two after a candy holiday is always a treat. I've expounded on my general rules for remainder candy hunting here a bunch, but the most important thing is to just keep in mind the timing sweet spot. Two days is great usually. Three gets a bit long (all the good stuff is gone or they've started clearing the shelves), and one day is too short (not a good enough candy sale).

Anyhow I was walking the aisle on the 27th and came across a few great deals.

And since this was the first time I'd really looked closely at a Shoppers drug mart this holiday I actually ended up discovering a few items I hadn't even seen before!

I know I've certainly never seen Hershey's Fondue before.. Anyhow, you can expect a few bonus holiday themed reviews coming in the next few weeks. Until then I'll leave you with a pic of a giant twonie! (only Canadians will even know what that is probably :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Candy Aisle Update

Hey all, no review today. Instead I've got a few quick updates on the state of the blog and Walking the Candy Aisle in general.

I;ve been really enjoying writing the blog, and posting the videos. Thank you to everyone who's visited and commented both here and on YouTube, this is a great venture that I'd like to continue into the distant future :) I mean I do love candy and chocolate.

For those of you who have read the blog over the past almost year you'll have seen that its sometimes busy and sometimes not so much. Come January the blog will again be reverting a bit to its slower status. I'm still planning to post weekly, and of course continue the weekly reviews, but might be a bit lighter on the rest of the 'extra' stuff. I know a few of you are starting to read the blog more regularly and thats great, but it takes a lot of work to post so much, especially with so many pictures.

You may have noticed that in an effort to streamline things over the end of our Christmas review I stopped posting the written portion of the candy reviews. Unless there's a good reason for a written review moving forward you can expect this format to continue, with less written and more video reviews up here on the site. In fact I'd like to get more video in general up here. Maybe a few different segments other than reviews, but that's all still in the works as it were.

I thank you all for joining me on this walk down the candy aisle. If you've got any comments or suggestions for the site please drop me a line at and please head over to the Facebook, and Twitter pages to Like and Follow the Candy Aisle even more.

I hope everyone had a great holidays and I wish everyone the best in the new year. I for one am going to just keep on walking down this candy aisle, I hope you'll join me.

- Geoff

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Maple Cookies

Ever wonder whats the deal with Maple Cookies? Here in the Great White North, these things are everywhere. Oh sure we've got a maple leaf on our flag, and yes we technically supply something like 85% of the worlds maple syrup, but why are Canadians so obsessed with Maple?

Well have you ever had a maple cookie??? They are actually quite fantastic! My guess is that if you live in another part of the world you may not even be aware of them, but maple cookies are a real thing here and have beenpopular since... well before I was born.

The Wiki page on the matter is brief but straightforward.Maple cookes are cream filled sandwich cookies shaped like a maple leaf and flavored like maple, sometimes actually containing real maple syrup. If you have not had a maple cookie, you are definitely missing out.

Here are a few of the maple cookies offered in the local grocery store. Note the inclusion of Pure Quebec Maple Syrup on some of these packages.

Looks pretty yummy, eh?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Toblerone Snow-Capped Limited Edition review

Merry Christmas candy lovers. Today I've got one more present for you to unwrap. Please enjoy this review of the Snow Capped Limited Edition Toblerone!

I'd like to just take a second here to thank everyone for making Walking the Candy Aisle so fun. I hope you've been enjoying the blog and videos, and that you'll stick with me through the new year. There's a lot more candy out there and I'm looking forward to eating it all!

Walking the Candy Aisle rates Toblerone Snow-Capped Limited Edition - 4 / 5

Toblerone is a Kraft Foods brand, for more on it please check out

Monday, December 24, 2012

Cadbury Choco Men review

Happy Christmas Eve everyone. I hope you're holidays are going well so far. And just to add a little more cheer today why not check out this review for Cadbury's Choco Men.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates Cadbury Choco Men - 4 / 5 

For more fun reviews, please check out the review page.

Choco Men is of course a Cadbury product, for more on it feel free to visit their website

Sunday, December 23, 2012

M&M's White Chocolate Peppermint review

Hooray for more holiday reviews! Today we've got a fun one, the Target exclusive M&M's White Chocolate Peppermint.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates M&M's White Chocolate Peppermint - 3 / 5

For more fun candy reviews please check out our reviews page!

M&Ms are a Mars product, and you can learn more about them at their website

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Palmer Caramel Claus review

Another day closer to Christmas and we've got another review for you! Lets have a look at the Palmer Caramel Claus.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates Palmer Caramel Claus - 3 / 5

For more candy and chocolate reviews, why not have a browse through our reviews page.

For more on all things Palmer please check them out at their site

Friday, December 21, 2012

Lindt Lindor Peppermint review

If you've been with us here at Walking the Candy Aisle through other candy holidays you'll know that what we love to do running right up to the last day is give you LOTS and LOTS of reviews! Starting today going through Xmas we'll have daily reviews for you. Today please enjoy a look at Lindt's Lindor Peppermint.

Walking the Candy Aisle rates Lindt Lindor Peppermint - 5 / 5

For more reviews please check out the reviews page right here.

For more on Lindt and Lindor please check out their website -

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Many Faces of Oreo

If you'll recall my recent post on some of my favorite cookies you'll remember that I am indeed a fan of Oreo. I mean how can you not like them?! They're nearly perfect in every way. With chocolaty, crunchy cookie on the outside and creamy frosting inside. Where else can a kid get that much frosting? I mean its not like mom is going to let you eat cake everyday!

But Oreos are SO much more than just the old black and whites nowadays. This is a massive brand for Nabisco and it shows through the plethora of products you can find on shelves with the Oreo logo. Aside from the classic that you can see above,for your indulgence I've gathered here a few others that I've come across.

Almost as classic as the original, Double Stuff came around at a time before the world even knew about Super Sizing everything. AMAZING.

Of course these days here's what you're more likely to find...

For the non-chocolate fans out there.

Yes they come in Double Stuff too!

A bit on the newer side, these Cakesters seem to be a hit nowadays.

A few other nice options on these Cakesters. I'd like to try the chocolate ones.

I know it says Limited Edition, but I've been seeing these Birthday Cake Oreos around for a long time now. They are great if you haven't had the chance yet, definitely pick some up.

A new addition for the more health conscious.

Here's a favorite from vending machines everywhere.

Another great idea from Oreo.

For the more ambitious out there, these cake baking items will require a little (very little) work, but are totally worth the effort.

Oh so good! There's always room for Oreo Jell-O.

But you say you want ice cream. Oreo's got you covered there too!

So much Oreo goodness here its hard to know where to start... But I suppose I know where to end. For Christmas Oreo has a few special editions that you should definitely check out while you can.

I know there are more Oreo products out there, if you see some please let me know in the comments.  Until we meet again, why not have an Oreo?